Emoji Slider in Jetpack Compose using Canvas API

Emoji Slider in Jetpack Compose using Canvas API

Learn to use Canvas API to create custom UI elements and managing states in Jetpack Compose


7 min read

Hello DevsπŸ‘‹πŸ», Jetpack Compose is truly amazing when it comes to custom UI's. Today let me show you how you can build an Emoji Slider as the one Instagram has. and if by any chance you haven't seen it yet let me give you a quick demo.


looking nice..? Let's build it!

Before that Let's look at the things we gonna learn in this article-

  • How to use Canvas API in Jetpack Compose.

  • How to manage States in Jetpack Compose.

  • How to create Good Stuff Easily.

Ohk So, First we need to draw the UI, and then we will add the sliding functionality.

Drawing the Emoji Slider 🎨 -

Emoji Slider in Jetpack Compose.png

Let's Draw it one by one:

  • Card
              shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp),
              backgroundColor = Color.White,
              modifier = Modifier
          ) {
            // slider code
  • Canvas - To draw Lines and Emoji.
                  modifier = Modifier
              ) {
                    val canvasWidth = size.width
                    val canvasHeight = size.height
                    offsetX = offsetX.coerceIn(0f, canvasWidth) // declared above all this
                    // Drawing Scope

Here, fun T.coerceIn( minimumValue: T?, maximumValue: T? ): T

Ensures that this value lies in the specified range minimum-value...maximum-value.

OffsetX is a variable to hold the horizontal position(x-coordinate) of our Emoji and while sliding we don't want our emoji to slide out of our canvas so we need to keep it in a range and in our case, it is from 0( starting point ) to canvas-width.

  • Line
                 //Gray Line
                      start = Offset(x = 0f, y = canvasHeight / 2),
                      end = Offset(x = canvasWidth, y = canvasHeight / 2),
                      color = Color.LightGray,
                      strokeWidth = progressWidth,
                      cap = StrokeCap.Round  // make line end points round
    Now to understand all this Offset logic we need to understand the coordinate system Canvas works on.

Canvas in Jetpack Compose .png

So, Our line starts from ( 0 , canvasHeight / 2) and ends on (canvasWidth, canvasHeight / 2)

We also need to draw one more line to show the progress of our emoji on Slide in that, we will make the X-coordinate a variable (offsetX) which will change when emoji slides and update the UI.

               //Gray Line

               //progress Line
                    start = Offset(x = 0f, y = canvasHeight / 2),
                    end = Offset(x = offsetX, y = canvasHeight / 2),
                    color = progressColor,
                    strokeWidth = progressWidth,
                    cap = StrokeCap.Round

Here, offsetX is a mutable state variable that will change on sliding the emoji and recompose the composable.

  • Text(with Emoji Unicode)

Emojis are actually just strings. So, we need to draw the text with the special emoji Unicode string. but sadly compose canvas didn't provide a direct method to draw text we need to draw it with native canvas and that's how we do it -

               //Gray Line

               //progress Line

               //Emoji as Text
                drawIntoCanvas { canvas ->
                        emoji, // Unicode Emoji String
                        offsetX - 26f,  // due to difference in coordinate system of compose canvas and native canvas
                        (canvasHeight / 2) + 16f,
                        Paint().asFrameworkPaint().apply {
                            textSize = emojiSize

Now, you might b wondering How I am gonna get those Unicode emoji strings? Well, I got your back.

You can star this repo and contribute your Unicode strings here too.

ok! but still, we need to draw that enlarge emoji too. we will do it while adding that sliding functionality.

  • Box - to wrap up all

Let's wrap up everything in a box.

Box(modifier = modifier) {
        Card(...) {
            Canvas(...) {
                val canvasWidth = size.width
                val canvasHeight = size.height
                offsetX = offsetX.coerceIn(0f, canvasWidth)

                //Gray Line

                //progress Line

                //Emoji as Text
                drawIntoCanvas { canvas ->

and we are done with drawing. Let's start implementing sliding functionality.

Make things Slide

Now, First thing there are some variables that we have used before but I haven't said where to declare them because of all the state things we need to manage. So let's do it now.

fun EmojiSlider(...){
    var isPressed by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
    var offsetX by remember { mutableStateOf(10f) }
    var progress by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) }

    Box(...) {...}

"remember { mutableStateOf(value) }" is used to create a mutable state and our composable will be subscribed to that state variable that means when the value changes, everything that uses this value in that composable will be redrawn with the new value.

  • isPressed - used to check if the Emoji in the slider is dragging or not.
  • offsetX - used to know the X coordinate of our emoji.
  • progress - used to know the value of progress in the range of 0f to 100f.

Now, Let's look at the On Slide State.

Emoji Slider in Jetpack Compose using canvas.png

first, let's make our slider draggable. In other to do that we need to make our card draggable not the emoji because the card has more area to detect the drag gestures.

Card( ...
            modifier = Modifier
                    orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                    state = rememberDraggableState { delta ->
                        offsetX += delta
                    onDragStopped = { isPressed = false },
                    onDragStarted = { isPressed = true }
        ) {

Here, orientation make sure to only detect the horizontal drags because we only need that. and as the offsetX or isPressed value changes, recomposition happens.

On change of isPressed, we need to show or hide the enlarged Emoji.

Box() {
        Card(...) {...}

        if (isPressed) {
            Text(text = emoji,
                fontSize = progress.coerceIn(20f, 80f).sp,
                modifier = Modifier
                    .offset {
                        IntOffset(offsetX.toInt(), -200) 

Now, Here we just showing a Text composable with emoji Unicode string. and to make It large/small with the slide we need to change the font size and I used coerceIn here because the value should be in the range of 20f to 80f(why? because I liked it this way. You can play around with these values) and I give our emoji a -200 y offset to move it little upward. You can try with different values and find the right one for you.

and we are done building our emoji slider. πŸŽ‰
Let's put it all together.

fun EmojiSlider(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    width: Dp = 220.dp,
    height: Dp = 80.dp,
    progressColor: Color = Color(0xFFE1306C),
    emoji: String = Emoji.heart,
    emojiSize: Float = 66f,
    progressWidth: Float = 18f,
    onSlide: (Float) -> Unit
) {
    var isPressed by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
    var offsetX by remember { mutableStateOf(10f) }
    var progress by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) }
    Box(modifier = modifier) {
            shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp),
            backgroundColor = Color.White,
            modifier = Modifier
                    orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                    state = rememberDraggableState { delta ->
                        offsetX += delta
                    onDragStopped = { isPressed = false },
                    onDragStarted = { isPressed = true }
        ) {
                modifier = Modifier
            ) {
                val canvasWidth = size.width
                val canvasHeight = size.height
                offsetX = offsetX.coerceIn(0f, canvasWidth)
                progress = (offsetX / canvasWidth) * 100

                //Gray Line
                    start = Offset(x = 0f, y = canvasHeight / 2),
                    end = Offset(x = canvasWidth, y = canvasHeight / 2),
                    color = Color.LightGray,
                    strokeWidth = progressWidth,
                    cap = StrokeCap.Round
                //progress Line
                    start = Offset(x = 0f, y = canvasHeight / 2),
                    end = Offset(x = offsetX, y = canvasHeight / 2),
                    color = progressColor,
                    strokeWidth = progressWidth,
                    cap = StrokeCap.Round
                //Emoji as Text
                drawIntoCanvas { canvas ->
                        offsetX - 26f, // due to diff in coordinate system
                        (canvasHeight / 2) + 16f,
                        Paint().asFrameworkPaint().apply {
                            textSize = emojiSize

        if (isPressed) {
            Text(text = emoji,
                fontSize = progress.coerceIn(20f, 80f).sp,
                modifier = Modifier
                    .offset {
                        IntOffset(offsetX.toInt(), -200)

I made this composable reusable by extracting all the values and used them as parameters. So, Even if you don't understand everything you can still use it in your project. Let me show you how...

    fun EmojiSliderDemo() {
                emoji = Emoji.loveFace, // from the repo I share earlier
                modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center),
            ){ progress ->

Have any queries? or wanna stay updated with the latest android trends? Follow me on Instagram @coding.ms

Happy Composing πŸ’Ÿ